App of the Week – Pomy

App of the Week – Pomy

Working in front of a computer screen is damaging to your eyes. Plenty of people spend their entire work day staring at a computer screen. Add to that the hours you spend staring at your phone or tablet at home and, well, you will eventually regret it. Time to do something about it. That is why Pomy is the App of the Week.

One of the draw backs of the information age is the those ever present computer screens. Some people understand the damage done by computer screens and other don’t or simply ignore the problem.

There are all kinds of products on the market supposedly designed to protect your eyes from that screen. Everything from special glasses to screen covers, even special eye exercises and lighting. They might work.

Pomy is a desktop widget-style app for Windows and Mac. It is designed to prevent eye strain by reminding that you’re slowly screwing up your eyes. Pomy blends the Pomodoro method, which breaks big tasks into small manageable chunks, and the 20-20-20 rule recommended by optometrists.

What is the 20-20-20 rule you might ask? It means you spend 20 minutes focusing on your work, followed by 20 seconds relaxing your eyes by focusing on objects 20 feet away. Pomy reminds you of this by turning your screen black so you have to take a break. If you play by the rules.

If you absolutely have to continue working just hit the escape button to return to your screen. The app is there to help you escape potential eye damage but it is not your mother or a cop.

Taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes might get annoying. But in general it’s not a bad idea. Take a break for few seconds from you habitual productivity to keep your eyes productive for the rest of your life.

Pomy is free and available for Apple and Microsoft computers.