App of the Week – Register To Vote

By | October 5, 2016

register-to-voteThe presidential election is just over a month away. And the bottom line is that the black vote is more important than ever. So “GET YO BLACK ASS OUT AND VOTE!”

Registering to vote should be easy and simple in the world’s greatest democracy. But as black people we know that is not the case and its made that way deliberately. That is why Register To Vote is the App of the Week.

Register To Vote is intended to take some of the hassle out of this process by offering an app that scans your state ID, verifies your information and sends it to the relevant state to get you registered in a few seconds. Three simple steps.

The truth about voting is glaring and racist. As black people you are not wanted in the election process. And its a disgrace that so many of use play right along! America is the technological capital of the world and yet state after state simply refuses to use technology to register and verify voters. So far the registration process has only been simplified for voters in California, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Arizona, Colorado and Massachusetts the few states with online voter registration.


In other states blatant efforts have been made to exclude blacks and other minorities from voting. One North Carolina’s judge described the efforts of GOP legislators to limit black voting by saying, “Although the new provisions target African Americans with almost surgical precision, they constitute inapt remedies for the problems assertedly justifying them and, in fact, impose cures for problems that did not exist.”

Register to Vote is supported by Actor Samuel L. Jackson who is a staunch advocate of voting rights. 

Register to Vote has one flaw. It is only available for Apple. That means that it will certainly attract younger voters but older voters, those less likely to own an iPhone and less likely to vote, won’t get the app.

But that is no excuse for not voting! Consider how may black people died trying to secure the vote.

The United State Election Assistance Commission has a website that shows you where and how in your state to register to vote. You can also go to




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About Tom Huskerson

Tom Huskerson Bio Born in Richmond Virginia Tom Huskerson is a military veteran who settled in California after his discharge. Tom attended Santa Barbara City College where he began his writing career as a campus reporter. He worked as an intern news reporter for the Santa Barbara News-Press writing feature stories before moving on to San Francisco. At San Francisco State University Tom studied broadcast communications and began to focus on the Internet. He completed his graduate thesis on Internet advertising. Tom was the first student to ever focus on the Internet as a graduate student at San Francisco State University. After graduation he went to work for Zona Research in California’s Silicone Valley. As a research associate Tom supported senior analyst writing on the latest developments in the Internet industry. During the dot com boom Tom worked for several web businesses as a market researcher and analyst. As a writer and researcher Tom has authored various technical works including a training program for Charles Schwab security. Other projects included professional presentations on workplace violence and hiring security contractors. Tom has also written both fiction and non-fiction works and blogging for a travel website. He has published two books of short stories and completed two novels. Tom is the owner of Scribe of Life Literature and Tom is not the chief editor for the OnTechStreet. com. A news and information blog that focuses on tech news for African-Americans. The blog is the result of his desire to inform the African American community of the dangers and benefits of the cyber age. In his blog Tom reports on information security, new and analysis, scams and hoaxes, legal happenings and various topics that arise from the age of information. Tom believes that technology is a necessary tool for black people and they should know what is happening. Tom writes believing that techno speak is for the professional and that valuable information can be communicated using plain language. As a result he has embraced the motto, Less Tech, More Knowledge.