App of the Week – ChefsFeed

App of the Week – ChefsFeed

ChefsFeedSometimes you just need and expert’s opinion. Especially when it comes to where to eat. Finding a good restaurant can be a hit or miss adventure that can be costly. That’s why ChefsFeed is the App of the Week.

ChefsFeed provides you with expert tips on the best places to eat and it’s coming from the chefs themselves. ChefsFeed allows chefs to recommend restaurants and even dishes to order.

Users of the app can find recommendations for high end hot date meals or classic American bites like cheeseburgers and chili dogs. The best part of this app is that you won’t find any fake posts. Chefs must be recommended by a another chef and approved before they can post. Currently there over 1,200 chefs and one million active users in over 57 cities.

A cool feature of the website is that it allows the user to see the some of the chefs and their accolades as well as their dishes in whatever city you may be searching.  Just select the city and get hungry. You can also find other interesting additonal content for foodies who considers eating and cooking an art form. Some of us just like stuff that tastes good.

An added incentive for chefs to share their favorite dishes is that for each review posted, ChefsFeed will make a donation to No Kid Hungry

ChefsFeed is free on Apple and Android devices.