Netflix subscribers are being alerted to an email scam seeking to collect user names, passwords and credit card information. The scam is targeting as many as 110 million Netflix subscribers.
Suspicious emails are arriving in users inbox telling them that their Netflix billing information needs updating and takes them to a fake Netflix website. These subscribers are asked to log in and submit personal information including credit card numbers.
According to Australian cyber security company MailGuard the scam email is “relatively well designed.”
Netflix says that it does sometimes email users informing them that their information needs updating. For more information go to
Internet users are warned that websites are easily spoofed or copied. They are often exact replicas of the real website. The difference is the web address. The website name will be similar to but not exactly the same as the real website. This is a common scam. Check out to learn how to spot a fake website. Or read Online Scam’s Greatest Hits.
One step you can take if you do receive a suspicious email is use your cursor to hover over the link. In the lower left corner of your screen you should see the actual address of the website.
Always be aware of the possibility of email scams. Never click on suspicious links. Anytime you are asked for personal information or payment information double check with your account holder or service provider.