App of the Week – WebMD Baby

Web MD babyOne of the toughest jobs in the world is beng a new parent. A new baby can as joyful as it is mysterious. Trying to decypher exctly what is hapening with your your new baby cn be a tough even terrifying task. That is why WebMD Baby is the App of the Week.

The WebMD Baby claims to offer new parents hundreds of articles and videos that have been developed and approved by WebMD doctors. Other features of the app include;

  • A growth tracker allowing parents to track their childs weight and height and head circumference. The app can also track this growth using photos.
  • A diaper tracker that records the dates and times of every diaper change, if the diaper was wet, dirty, or both. This information can be emailed and a report can be compiled to see all changes in a calendar view.
  • A sleep tracker to record a infants sleep sessions and details like whether the baby slept in a crib or a car seat. You can also generate a report with ths information.
  • A feeding tracker to record feeding dates and times and source for every feeding and set up reminders for the next feeding.
  • For memories there is a baby tracker feature to record you baby’s key moments and milestones in the Baby Book. The new parent can add photos or videos along with their own captions and share them on Facebook or email to friends and relatives.

WebMD Baby also provides news articles, a weekly tip from doctors and other information for the first and second years of your childs life.

WebMD Baby is free and available for Apple and Android devices.