App of the Week – Avocado

App of the Week – Avocado

AvocadoMarriage and relationships require work, hard work. Its simply not easy to keep that warm loving feeling going 24-7. You have work, maybe you have kids and other obligations that require attention. And heaven forbid other issues pop-up like money troubles and personal trauma or one sort or another. Being in love is not easy. That’s why Avocado is the App of the Week.

Avocado is an app that facilitates communication between couples using free, iMessage-style chat, share lists, and photos. These maybe unexciting but they are essential communication staples that any strong relationship is based on. 

Avocado tries to duplicate those simple little love messages that mean so much. Users can create and send love notes to one another, over and over again and exchange emoticons with the unique facial expressions of your loved one.

Scheduling time together is another problem couples face, Av0cado lets couples share calendars so they always know when each one has available time to share. This function can eliminate a lot of missed dinners and alone time due to other obligations. You are always aware of the others time and dates. Avocado lets you send “hugs” and “kisses” to the love of your life and let them know they’re on your mind.

Avocado is free and available on Apple and Android.