Prepare Yourself for Cyber War

By | December 29, 2014

canstockphoto22219067Cyber warfare is real and it’s happening everyday. How long do you think it will be before you become a victim of a cyber attack? Answer; not long. Next question; are you ready?

If you have not heard about the Sony hack then you are not paying attention. If you think it won’t ever affect you you’re in trouble. Its really just a matter of time.

Black people can’t afford to remain ignorant of what’s happening in cyber space and how to respond to it. In order to avoid becoming  a casualty you need to understand what a cyber war can do to your life in an instant.

The cyber war battlefield is everywhere. This includes personal computers, smart phones, bank accounts, 401(k)s and other money management accounts, ATMs, drinking water, gasoline pipelines and stations, electrical plants and yes, nuclear plants, dams, point of sale systems in stores, traffic lights and anything connected to the Internet .

The likelihood increases everyday that the next war this nation fights will be waged on computers aimed at crippling the systems that keep the government and daily life functioning normally. In the worst-case scenario the nation could suffer a catastrophe such as the loss of major sections of the power grid perhaps an entire region of the country. We could see the erasure of millions of bank accounts, manipulating or hijacking tens of millions of identities, or disruption of air traffic control and transportation systems throughout the nation. Or all of the above at the same time

That war is here. Most recently someone, allegedly the North Koreans, hacked Sony Pictures. This was followed by someone shutting down the entire North Korean Internet. Now a group known as Lizard Squad has attacked both Sony and Microsoft. The war is upon us…now! You better get ready.

“There’s a strong likelihood that the next Pearl Harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack.”  – Leon Panetta, former Secretary of Defense and former director of the CIA.

What can you do to make sure you survive the next attack?

A) Don’t get caught without cash. ATM machines may be shut down and store computers  may not work. You may not be able to use credit or ATM cards. You should keep at least $500 dollars cash in a secure place in your home. When the financial system is attacked cash will be king. If you have a family you may need more. Don’t keep all your money in one account, spread it around. Keep your savings account in a different bank than your checking. With a little luck one of them may be working.

B) Keep your gas tank at least half full at all times. You may not be able to buy gas for few days or have to drive some distance to find it. And when you do find it could be very expensive.

C) Keep emergency supplies at home. Basics like non-perishable foods, a few cases of water, blankets, simple medicines, extra prescriptions, flashlights, batteries and battery powered radios, maybe charcoal or extra fuel for the barbecue grill. If you live in a cold climate at least one source of heat that does not require electricity with fuel to last a week. Also keep an emergency supply kit in your car with enough food and water for at least 24 hours.

D) Make sure you have basic tools for emergency purposes. Matches, a sewing kit, a fire extinguisher, shovel, a can opener, plastic bags, disinfectants and sanitizers.

F) Pay attention to the needs of babies, children and pets and the elderly. Something like a child’s favorite toy in time of stress and insecurity can be a big help. Prepare a back pack with some treats they like, books, games or even some school work to keep them busy. This can help re-assure a child.  Keep this back pack ready with the rest of your supplies

If you have an infant be ready with extra diapers, medicines, proper clothing and food.

For the elderly make sure you have extra medicines they may need, hygiene products such as adult diapers, special foods, clothing, glasses, hearing aids, medical supplies. You can also prepare a back pack with these items as well.

Pets need to eat and drink too. Make sure you have a way to secure your animal to keep it from roaming. And keep treats for them as well. You may need to transport a pet so keep that box handy.

Pay attention to personal hygiene. Make sure you have soapy wipes, toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper, etc. Another nice luxury to have is a camping toilet.

G) Entertainment This is no trivial matter. There could be some long boring hours ahead. Have a way to fill these hours helps to avoid frustration, tension and boredom if the grid is down for more than a day or two.  Card games, board games and other forms of entertainment can make enduring a crisis much easier.

H) Community and Communicate. Work with your neighbors set up a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program. Divide responsibilities for things like a neighborhood watch for suspicious individuals, first aid and sharing of resources and information.

When it comes to communication you may be out of touch with family members in the affected areas or you may be the one out of touch. This is normal. The Internet, landline phones and cell phones maybe out of service for days. Don’t panic.

I) If you have to move Sometimes there are circumstances where you or you and your family will have to move from your home for safety and security. This is where you will need a full tank of gas in the family car. You will need blankets or sleeping bags and food and water and most importantly a place to go. Know where there are emergency shelters. Pay attention to any traffic information that is being broadcast and have a GPS device available. You might actually be able to use it.

Hopefully the situation will not become so bad you have to arm yourself but you never know. Act as you see fit. In many emergencies there are people who take advantage of the situation to commit crimes such a looting or burglary and even violence. Be prepared and act with restraint but protect you and yours.

J) Have A Back-Up Plan And Be Flexible –There is a saying in the military; no plan survives an encounter with the enemy. When your plan is disrupted, what will you do? It is imperative for you to have a back-up plan and to be flexible. The worst thing you can do is believe your plan is infallible.

You may have seen some or all of this information before. If so then you know it is very similar to what you need to do to prepare for a major storm or other natural disaster. You need to pay attention because I can almost guarantee that this will happen and it will be a very uncomfortable situation until it gets straightened out. You should be prepared to survive for at least three days without outside help and possibly longer.

Now you know.




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About Tom Huskerson

Tom Huskerson Bio Born in Richmond Virginia Tom Huskerson is a military veteran who settled in California after his discharge. Tom attended Santa Barbara City College where he began his writing career as a campus reporter. He worked as an intern news reporter for the Santa Barbara News-Press writing feature stories before moving on to San Francisco. At San Francisco State University Tom studied broadcast communications and began to focus on the Internet. He completed his graduate thesis on Internet advertising. Tom was the first student to ever focus on the Internet as a graduate student at San Francisco State University. After graduation he went to work for Zona Research in California’s Silicone Valley. As a research associate Tom supported senior analyst writing on the latest developments in the Internet industry. During the dot com boom Tom worked for several web businesses as a market researcher and analyst. As a writer and researcher Tom has authored various technical works including a training program for Charles Schwab security. Other projects included professional presentations on workplace violence and hiring security contractors. Tom has also written both fiction and non-fiction works and blogging for a travel website. He has published two books of short stories and completed two novels. Tom is the owner of Scribe of Life Literature and Tom is not the chief editor for the OnTechStreet. com. A news and information blog that focuses on tech news for African-Americans. The blog is the result of his desire to inform the African American community of the dangers and benefits of the cyber age. In his blog Tom reports on information security, new and analysis, scams and hoaxes, legal happenings and various topics that arise from the age of information. Tom believes that technology is a necessary tool for black people and they should know what is happening. Tom writes believing that techno speak is for the professional and that valuable information can be communicated using plain language. As a result he has embraced the motto, Less Tech, More Knowledge.