App of the Week Beats High Prescription Prices

Prices for prescription drugs can be extremely high. Even with insurance drug prices can still give you the proverbial sticker shock at the cash register. Insurance companies have a tendency to cover some drugs like generics or selected drugs but not others. And co-pays can vary from 100% to none at all. Some drugs can cost as much as $30-$70 a pill or more.

Getting drugs and medical care is a significant problem for many black people. According to the NAACP 18% of African-Americans below the age of 65 are without health insurance. The report also points out that a greater number of African-Americans and Latinos lack a usual place of health care, and they are less than half as likely as whites to have a regular doctor (HCAN).

But there is an app that can help with the cost of prescription drugs. LowestMed is an app that is available for both iPhones and Android that allows the user to compare prices at pharmacies in his or her immediate area to find the best possible price for prescription drugs.

LowestMed app is free and requires no personal information from the user. All you have to do is search for the FDA-approved drug and LowestMed will give you a round-up of prices for that prescription in your neighborhood. The app also offers discounts for these drugs but this doesn’t require any effort aside from showing the pharmacist a code. You click on the pharmacy, and receive a “discount card” to show the pharmacist in order to get that price.

Getting the needed drugs can become dire if you simply cannot afford drugs that you or a loved one desperately needs. Sadly some people have to choose between drugs or eating everyday. Some drug companies offer services that can help people get drugs at reduced prices if they are in need. Here is a list of organizations that may help you afford the drugs you need.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance

RX Assistance

National Alliance on Mental Illness Drug Assistance

Needy Meds

LowestMed is the App of the Week.